Hey I just read on another thread that they dont study the truth book or the paradise book anymore.
Omg when i was a dub i was always trying to get studies with the paradise book.
So what do they study with these days?
hey i just read on another thread that they dont study the truth book or the paradise book anymore.. omg when i was a dub i was always trying to get studies with the paradise book.. .
so what do they study with these days?.
Hey I just read on another thread that they dont study the truth book or the paradise book anymore.
Omg when i was a dub i was always trying to get studies with the paradise book.
So what do they study with these days?
i recall the moment i heard of this on the radio.
but there was little mention of it in months oryears later.. does anyone know what became of the victims?.
Tiktaallik I sent you a PM
background check first.. .
According to your own beliefs you are doing what the elders book talks about "recriminating". That is you are condemning others whilst you are doing the wrong thing.
You are not suppose to use the excuse others are doing it so im ok
sort out yourself.
my eyes are open by the way. Ive live a number of years in that organisation to see ALL the hypocrisy - hence why i left. I lived the truth completely whilst in it, yet was slandered and victimised by those so called 'strong' ones.
They are ALL hypocrits
background check first.. .
You don't speak like a witness and you have quoted your husband and he doesnt either. If he has said the things that you have posted he should be removed as an elder.
I dont think your positions are that good and you are certainly not above repremand according to your own beliefs.
I'd take a break, do a retake on all the things you have posted, and if you are a serious christian i would bring your lives into line with the bibles teachings before coming to this forum and thus giving such a bad witness
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ha ha ha funny chaserious
being an idiot or a genius would not be average or normal in ordinary walks of life.not by the conventional definition of those terms.in measurements of intelligence tests the average score is 100. i.q.
test score breakdownidiot-0-25imbecile-26-50moron--51-70mildly gifted -- 115 to 129moderately gifted -- 130 to 144highly gifted -- 145 to 159exceptionally gifted -- 160 to 179profoundly gifted -- 180marilyn vos savant--228 (highest recorded i.q.).
you would have been "wrong" until 1928!
Terry: One of your earlier posts was pointing out that all the blame goes onto jehovah for all the wrong dates and stuff in the WT....
My thought is...in that case maybe he should take the IQ test....i dont expect him to be getting any great scores
Mr Falcon: I lllooooovvvvvvvveeeeeee the pic of the pioneer on the horse...
i have put together a new article regarding whether the global flood of noah is possible.
it utilises a lot of information from threads on jwn, and some of you may recognise your own comments.
please feel free to proof read, make suggestions, provide further references, etc.. http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/flood-noah-global.php.
yes that was my understanding to smiddy
i have put together a new article regarding whether the global flood of noah is possible.
it utilises a lot of information from threads on jwn, and some of you may recognise your own comments.
please feel free to proof read, make suggestions, provide further references, etc.. http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/flood-noah-global.php.
L P - My advice would be to try and write it like an academic article in that i mean any reasonings or conclusion deduced should be referenced to evidence supporting your claim.
LP, the article is not aimed at academics, but rather JW's. If JW's were concerned with academic references, they would not be JW's, since little of what is in the Watchtower is ever properly referenced. If you look at the email that I received, you will see the level of reasoning skills of the average JW reader, who dismisses the entire article because it contradicts a JW article, and one that is not even accurate at that. That is why I have tried to make most pf the points simple and logical, where they can be understood without a need of scientific references. That being said, I have referenced most contentious points made in the article, but have noticed at your suggestion that there are a few more that I should add.
jwfacts: my suggestion only adds to the validity of the article. Not all jws are uneducated. And further my suggestion was not to aim the article at academics or use academic language. One can write a simply logical article in academic style i.e. referenced throughout the article. Doing this adds strength to your article in the scientific community as they can refer to it and it could possibly be recognised. But thats just a suggestion to open up possibilities.
i am really going to miss having her as a close friend.
we both helped each other this past year, as we were both dealing with the passing of people we loved.
she was a strong part of my support group.
my condolances to all those affected